
Today marks the kick-off of the newest addition of this website, my blog on current events and timely topics. “LifeTimes” is the name of this blog, and the blog slogan of “news • opinion • thought • voice” will give you some idea of what I will be covering and why: news and opinion articles that encourage you and I to think over various issues and speak up about how we think and feel about them.

You can read various nuances into the title LifeTimes. It’s a blog on the “times” that we live in today, as well as the “lifetimes” that we all share during our short existence on the planet. Of course, it also has to do with the name of this website “Inochi”, the Japanese word for “life” (the Chinese character that most inspires me), along with the commonly seen “Times” title of a newspaper or magazine. So there you have it: LifeTimes.

This blog is created mostly for friends on social media and others in my close social network, and will be personally moderated by me. While the other pages of this website will be updated and changed at the start of every new season (four times a year), this blog page will be regularly updated and renewed in between those times — a continuous, running dialogue on the things happening all around us in this big, beautiful world.

So, come join the conversation, share a few words of your own, and let me know what you like or don’t like about the topics that come up here in LifeTimes.


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